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The So-called “Serb Republic” in Bosnia Isn’t Neither Legacy, Nor State, But Only Serbian Entity!
Publikuar më 10 qershor, 2016 në orën 01:36 ( ) Prof. Dr. Mehdi Hyseni | English |
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First of all we should pointed out the fact that the so-called “Serb Republic” in Bosnia doesn’t exist as an independent and sovereign state as are Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro…, etc. in Balkans, but one is a Serbian entity which is a part of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina recognized by the United Nations (May 22, 1992).

However, according to Article 1, paragraph 3 of the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, states: " Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of two entities of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Serb Republic (hereinafter referred to as "entities").”( ).

So, question is, why the name Serb Republic is stipulated in the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, when it’s just an constituent entity like Bosnian Muslims and Croat entities ?

This is a juridical and political sui generis absurd even if in the paragraph 3 of the Article 1 of the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina mentions the term " Serb Republic” when it does not exist de facto or de jure under international law, because it is created by force i.e. by genocide and aggression.

Also, according to the Dayton Peaceful Agreement (1995) the Serb Republic in Bosnia isn’t any type of the state due to the fact that one was established by classic genocide on Bosnian Muslims entity .

This is the main reason why the Serb Republic is not recognized as independent and sovereign state by the United Nations, and it won’t ever be recognized as such because it is inconsistent with the all rules, principles and norms of international law and the United Nations Charter.

This means that no country in the world can be internationally recognized as a legal state-subject of the international law if it’s created by genocide as is established the Serb Republic in Bosnia (1992-1995) which, by rights, until now isn’t recognized by any country of the international community.

The Serb Republic in Bosnia isn’t neither national legacy nor international juridical value, but just a crime of genocide, punishable under international law

But according to the Serbia’s former Foreign Affairs Minister Ivicia Dacic, “The Serb Republic in Bosnia is the largest Milosevic's Legacy” ?!.( ).

Despite this wrong opinion of the former Serbia's Prime Minister and Minister Ivica Dacic, the “Serb Republic” in Bosnia isn't Milosevic's the smallest or largest Serbian legacy, but a tragedy and genocide creature because of the fact that so-called “Serb Republic” is founded upon hundreds and thousands innocent Muslim victims caused by paramilitary, military and police units of the “Serb Republic” in Bosnia that has been supported directly and indirectly by the Serbia’s government headed by the president Slobodan Milosevic who was charged by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (established by the United Nations in 1993), but he was found dead in his bed at a UN prison near the Hague in 2006, the tribunal said in a statement. He appeared to have died of natural causes, a tribunal press officer said.” (

The “Serb republic” created by the top Serbian nationalists, fascists and radicals in Belgrade, and Pale in Bosnia, as were Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic, Biljana Plavsic, Momcilo Krajisnik, Slobodan Milosevic, Vojislav Seselj, Arkan, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Serbian Orthodox, one there was not any kind of the human, legal, democratic, peaceful and civilized Serbian legacy and European and international human and juridical universal value, but only the Serbian holocaust on innocent Muslim people in Bosnia.
This antihuman tragedy which confirmed and Srebrenica where Serb forces had been killed over 8,000 thousand mainly Muslim males separated from their families.

In a word, so-called "Serb republic" has been the cause of the over “2 million refugees and 140.000 dead or missing (11,000 died in Sarajevo alone).”(See: Kendall W. Stiles, Case Histories in International Politics, Pearson & Longman, 2003, p.257).

Therefore, should be entirely demented that this Serbian holocaust in Bosnia, committed in the last decade of the 20th century (1990-1999) calling the largest legacy of Slobodan Milosevic where in addition to genocide in Bosnia, he did and two other genocides in Croatia and Kosovo, too.

Milosevic’s three genocide in Balkans (1990-1999) aren’t any kind of the Serbian national victory or Heritage, but a collective Serbia’s moral, human and legal responsibility in accordance with the International Humanitarian Law and the international community.

Fort these three classical genocides against Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, the former Serbia’s President Slobodan Milosevic has the main merits into Serbia’s black and bloody history during the last decade of the twentieth century(1900-1999).

Logically, for normal people, these three genocides cannot be qualified neither historically, politically nor nationally positive heritage of Serbia and Serbs, because it’s a shame, a moral and legal debt and collective responsibility of Serbia and Serbs toward innocent Croatian, Bosnian Muslims and Kosovo’s Albanian peoples (1990-1999).
Also, those Serbia’s genocides will never be erased neither forget by the following centuries for the Croatian, Bosnian Muslims and Albanian people in Balkans.

By Mehdi Hyseni, Ph.D.

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