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America Needs Hillary Clinton For President!
Publikuar më 13 qershor, 2016 në orën 02:33 ( ) Prof. Dr. Mehdi Hyseni | English |
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*** Albert Einstein: “ If you can’t explain simply, you don’t understand it well-enough.”

-Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton is much better value than gold. Gold is good, but living in its place. America needs human, brave, wise, smart, patriot, democrat and visionary Hillary Clinton. She is the spirit and Sun of all Americans and United America. Let go all outside and vote for Hillary Clinton as the best choice for America.

Madam Hillary Clinton is the spirit and bright light of the America. She deserves to become the President because she's the best choice for American Nation. This historical chance should not loose the American citizens be it democrats, republicans or other political parties because Mrs. Hillary Clinton is the most unified political figure that can bring together all political parties to make greatest , stable and prosperity America in all realms of its life.

So, let's go to vote for her all together. She's the best historic e political choice for all of us. Trump isn't a good option because he's not qualified and proved yet himself as a educated and pragmatic politician.

Whereas Hillary Clinton is a proven Professor in Politics, Diplomacy and Justice with long experience as a state governor, senator and a distinguished Secretary of the State. She has never stopped to help and to fight for justice, human rights, social solidarity and equality for all of us.

Therefore, I wish Hillary was my President. She has always, respected the Constitution, Law, and basic values of her own country. There's no doubt Mrs. Hillary Clinton showed herself as a good wise and greatest state political leader.

Whatever say her political opponents, the honored Madam Secretary is the best one democrat, progressive and visionary state leader of the America. She has never fallen as a politician. I agree with this her balanced assessment when she said: "I'm a progressive, but I'm a progressive who gets things done."

Mrs. Hillary Clinton is the heart of the Humanism, Progress, Justice, Equality, Solidarity Democracy and Peace. Follow and vote for Hillary Clinton if you want to find your place in history of the United States! I voted and, I will vote for Hillary Clinton in November because I believe in her, I trust her, I will uphold her. She deserves to be the PRESIDENT of the United States.

She is the most qualified person in the United States to serve as President. God bless Mrs. Secretary Hillary Clinton! God bless and long life my beloved and savoir America! There's no doubt, she is more qualified than all the other presidential candidates. America needs Mrs. Hillary Clinton for President.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is basically a political figure in the United States and once became the Secretary of State of the U.S. She has the skills and experience to lead a multi-national and pluralist nation like is the United States. She is also honest in her words and deeds. The people of the United States of America need a change to see it's first woman president of this nation.

America needs Madam President Hillary Clinton because she has showed herself (by concrete life example, not only by opinion as a great human, good and wise political leader respecting the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, law and fundamental democratic values of her American society.. She deserves to become the First female President of the United States. Hillary Clinton is the Spirit of America!

In favor of the assessment that Hillary Clinton deserves to be the first woman President of the United States is also this conclusion of the famous American movie star Robert De Niro who endorsed Hillary Clinton, saying that : "She deserves to be president. She's prepared. She'll make mistakes. Everybody does. It's a hard job, to say the least. She's as qualified or more qualified than anybody else ... Period." ( ).

Simply, in a word, Hillary Clinton is the real value of the humanism, justice and democracy in America! She’s a great political leader! America Needs Her! She’s the best choice for America.

By Mehdi Hyseni, Ph.D.

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